Monday, December 28, 2009

Niagara Photography - The Olympic Flame - Fonthill

So after the torch passed through the spot I had staked out in Welland, I attempted to beat it to Fonthill. I largely succeeded, except that by the time I got there the roads were already blocked off and I had to park in the docks and hike in. An area of the road had trees coming over it from both sides, so I figured that would be a cool place for the epic torch runner shot I was looking for.

While waiting a gentleman came up and started to talk to me - turns out he was there as he knew the individual doing that leg of the run. He asked me if I could send him the photos I got, in addition to what he took. While we were shooting for different reasons (me, for an overall 'epic' feeling shot, him, for (I presume at least) some closeups that he could provide the runner with for memories, I got some of each. Only posting this one to the blog though.

Dave, if you read this, send me an email to let me know if you got the images :)

1 comment:

Terry said...

aw that is so nice of you to do this for that guy.
you know that you have photographed history.
i have a big regret in life.
the year that terry fox was doing the cross country run, my husband and i were motor biking out west and i am sure at that time we could have passed him on the trans canada highway but we didn't even hear about what he was doing until we got back to welland.
i do have another regret. the next year when we were passing through thunder bay, it was an overcast damp day, and we stopped at the place where terry fox's statue had been erected. just at that moment there came a rainbow and if you angled your camera the right way, the rainbow would end right on terry fox's head...alas though that 35 mil camera of mine decided to act up and my photo didn't turn out!
i am glad that you got this great picture of the olympic flame..a piece of history!...from terry